Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Not In

Well it was touch and go for a few days last week when the rumor mill was a'churnin' with statements like "ccaa is likely to get into December" for the next referral batch - this from an agency in Spain I think. Rated a 3 on the rumor scale so it had a little weight but it was not to come to pass. Probably a good thing as I was freakin a bit (even after all of this time, I still have freakin left in me!!!). But alas, they only did from 11/22/05 through 11/25/05 - basically 4 days worth of dossier log in dates received their referrals. Someone mentioned that it has taken China 12 months to get through 4 months of referrals and I think 5 of those months were spent on November 2005!! What the heck!

Anyway, there is high hopes that we will be in the next batch - most likely received the first week of October and if so, things will be a huge whirlwind after that. Kind of glad I did Chloe and my visas already - one less thing to have to worry about!

Ciao for now.

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