Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dogs, daughters and asanas

Well, it's been quite some time since I posted. Motherhood of two has kept me on my toes for sure. Both girls are doing great and enjoying the snow (lots of it to enjoy). They are also enjoying our new puppy Bella - a 2nd generation golden doodle and she is quite the cutie. We went to Great Harvest last Saturday for wheat rolls and came home with a new puppy from the pet place across the street. I need to be reminded at a later date of how cute she is as she has started chewing upon entering the house for the first time on Saturday - doors, rugs, boots, toys - really pretty much anything she comes across which will hopefully prompt the girls to finally "put their things away!". It shouldn't take much more than them losing one of their most precious items before they start to realize the importance of this.

She should get approximately 50-75 lbs - she will be a big girl that's for sure. I believe Boston, our Lab mix currently comes in just shy of 60 (I think), so two big dogs in this household.

This wasn't a totally spontaneous purchase however as I've been researching golden doodles (part golden retriever, part Standard poodle btw) for the last year. Pretty much knew we were going to get one eventually but wasn't ready to shell out the $1000+ that most breeders were asking for this designer breed. Designer breeds seem to cost more than purebreds these days and I can't quite figure out why. Bella was a lot less expensive and worth every penny.

Gianna is talking non-stop to everyone except her speech teachers (ironic?). We've also officially started potty training. I was getting a bit nervous as she turned 3 in October and had no interest whatsoever in potty training. We tried everything: pull ups, running around naked, wearing only a tshirt, putting the potty chair in every room in the house, having a wild jump up and down party in the bathroom whenever she did go but nothing worked to keep her interest. The pede suggested not even bothering since she wasn't speaking and couldn't really communicate that she had to go. Now she can communicate but still doesn't tell us in advance we have just happened to get the timing right pretty much all weekend with very few accidents. She also gets one m&m for #1 and 2 m&ms for #2 (A Kate trick and hey if it worked for 8.....) and it does seem to be going well (so far).
I have pretty much decided on beginning yoga certification classes in January. It is a 10 month program and quite intense. I've been interested in yoga since 10th grade and have been doing it on and off pretty much my whole life. It is a very calming, cleansing activity for the body and the mind (who doesn't need a little of that occasionally?).

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